Join us on Saturday, March 2 at 5:00 p.m. for a talk by Fr. David Grenier and Mr. Vincenzo Bellomo from the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America who will speak about the current situation of our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land.
Fr. David is the Commissary of the Holy Land for the U.S. and Editor of the Holy Land Review, a quarterly magazine about life in the Holy Land. Orignally for Canada, he joined the Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land in 2007 and was ordained a priest in Jerusalem on June 29, 2013. In the Holy Land, Fr. David served as Director of the Magnificat Institute, the Custody's music school, and as Secretary of the Holy Land. The currently resides at the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in Washtington D.C.
Mr. Vincenzo Bellomo is the Holy Land Liaison, Franscican Monastery of the Holy Land in America and the project manager for the charity of the Franciscan mission in the Holy Land for 17 years from 2006 to 2023. Founder, of the Three Kings House - Dar AlMajus- Community Home in Bethlehem. Bestowed with the Honorary Citizen of the City of Bethlehem in June 2023. He is married to Carol Abu Akleh, and they have two twins, Antonio and Lea.